About Nikki

"Do what you love and success will follow. Passion is the fuel behind a successful career." Meg Whitman


Welcome to the Nikki Duncan Experience, where romance meets reality with charm and creativity. Nikki Duncan, an author inspired by legends Sylvia Day and Shayla Black, brings her storytelling magic to life every day.

Discover Nikki Duncan, the master of balancing dual worlds. By day, she navigates the complexities of managing her work office with precision. After 5:00 PM and on weekends, she transforms into a DIY diva, caring for horses, dogs, and goats while conquering home improvement projects fearlessly.

Nikki doesn't just write romance; she lives it. With over 20 captivating books, each page is infused with her passion for storytelling, DIY adventures, and the delightful chaos of managing a household zoo.

Visit Facebook for a peek into Nikki's world through snapshots of her daily triumphs: from wrangling goats in the morning to crafting passionate love scenes in her novels at night. Witness her victories over drywall and the playful antics of her beloved horses, all captured in vivid detail.

Have questions about romance, DIY projects, or caring for goats? Nikki's inbox is always open, ready to connect with readers and offer advice on everything from fixing leaky faucets to finding the perfect plot twist.

Dive into Nikki's collection of books, where each title promises a journey through love, laughter, and the occasional tear—all leading to that satisfying happily-ever-after.

Whether it's a Monday morning or a Saturday night, Nikki Duncan's website invites you to experience a life where passion, perseverance, and a sprinkle of whimsy converge to create stories worth telling—and living.

"Were there none who were discontented with what they have, the world would never reach anything better." Florence Nightingale


When did you begin writing?

I began writing in 2007. After almost 1000 rejection letters from agents and publishers, I was granted by first publishing contract from a digital first publisher in 2009. My first published book, Sounds to Die By, was released in October 2009. It was actually released on my wedding anniversary, so it was a double win for me that day. 

Why did you begin writing? 

It started as a hobby, but quickly became a passion for sharing stories about strong women and the men strong enough to treat them as equals.

How many books have you written?

Over 20. When my publisher closed, many of the previously published books were re-released under new covers. I no longer write actively enough to release four books a year, but I do allow my creative juices freedom and release new stories periodically.

What's your biggest challenge when it comes to writing? 

Time. There is never enough time to do all the things I want in a day, but even when I'm not at the keyboard I'm working story angles in my head.

What's your proudest accomplishment? 

In terms of my writing, I would say my story 12 Miracles of Christmas. It was originally published as Her Miracle Man. That was my first time to tackle truly complicated concepts in a story. It was based on a real hospital and after publication I was contacted by some women who work in that hospital who'd stumbled across the book. They loved it! That was a major moment of pride for me. 

"Never underestimate the power of dreams and the influence of the human spirit." Wilma Rudolph

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