
"How important it is for us to recognize and celebrate our heroes and she-roes!" Maya Angelou

Welcome to Nikki Duncan's world of novels, where contemporary romance and romantic suspense merge to craft compelling tales brimming with love, peril, and suspenseful twists.

Contemporary Romance Novels: Explore Nikki Duncan's contemporary romance novels, set in the present day or recent past. From vibrant cities to charming small towns, these stories delve into the intricacies of modern love. Follow relatable characters as they navigate careers, family dynamics, and personal growth on their journey to finding enduring happiness.

Romantic Suspense Novels: Indulge in Nikki Duncan's romantic suspense novels, blending romance with thrilling elements of danger and intrigue. Featuring gripping plots involving crime, espionage, and psychological suspense, these narratives thrust protagonists into high-stakes scenarios where love blossoms amidst heart-pounding challenges. Complex characters with intriguing backgrounds must balance personal lives with the pulse-pounding demands of the suspenseful plotline, culminating in a satisfying resolution that weaves together romance and suspense.

Whether you seek the heartfelt connections of contemporary romance or the adrenaline-charged thrills of romantic suspense, Nikki Duncan's novels promise an unforgettable fusion of emotions and storytelling. Immerse yourself in narratives that capture the essence of modern romance and gripping intrigue, keeping you captivated from start to finish.

Experience the best of both worlds—love and suspense—with Nikki Duncan's enthralling novels that resonate with readers seeking unforgettable journeys through passion, danger, and the triumph of love.

Stand Alone or First Release Contemporary Stories

Where Past Scars Meet New Beginnings
Healing hearts, one holiday miracle at a time.
A serial killer + a detective + a widow = one HOT stakeout.
Unravel ancient secrets. Rekindle a forbidden love. Stop a deadly plot.

Scarred Hearts Contemporary Firefighter Series

Flames of the past meet the spark of new beginnings.
Redemption and desire collide, igniting a blazing second chance at love.

Sensory Ops Romantic Suspense Series

Trusting each other could save lives—or destroy them.
Step into a world where secrets and seduction collide.
Danger and desire intertwine as pasts are confronted.
A deadly Valentine’s Day showdown, backed by the FBI’s finest
Trust, betrayal, and passion collide.
Danger and desire collide as secrets unravel and hearts are tested.
Where illusion meets reality, love becomes the greatest magic of all.